I just wanted to take a moment to remind all visitors of The Art of Politik that this blog runs parallel with The Daily Kos.
Some people think of this marketplace of ideas as simply a soapbox for ultra-liberals, but the fact is that it's full of democrats from the most liberal to the most conservative whom aren't afraid to put forward and defend their point of views.
Making a post there ignites almost instant debate as long as what you post is thoughtful and consistent. If you do waver in that, you will be told so to your own benefit for future pieces.
If you like having real, serious discussion about issues that affect us all every day, make sure you stop by there and read some user and site submitted diaries. I guarantee you will leave there with information or ideas you didn't have before you entered.
Follow this blog and discussions about the pieces by searching for account: 'r2wildfire' or you can click on the 'diaries' link to the right to get the most recent user submitted diaries (the main page is mostly material from site operators).
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